The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


Natalia, daughter of Voyslay Adamovitch, of Dobritch, aged 26, superficial bayonet wound in the chest.

Draghisha, son of Pavle Adamovitch, of Dobriteh, aged 11, superficial bayonet wound in the chest, deep bayonet wound in the right side; mortally wounded.

Djevadia, wife of Zhivko Boghitchevitch, of Tzulkovatz, aged 42, bayoneted in the abdomen, dangerously wounded.

Zhivana, daughter of Milosh Stefanovitch, of Dobritch, aged 15, three superficial wounds, viz., in the hand, back, and chest.

Zagorka, daughter of Yovan Lovtchevitch, of Dobritch, aged 10, two superficial bayonet wounds in the side.

Zorka, daughter of Stanka Adamoviteh, of Dobritch, aged 8, two superficial bayonet wounds in the hand and in the chest.

lvana, wife of Yovitza Lovtchevitch, of Dobritch, aged 32, two superficial bayonet wounds in the breast and chest.

Yovan Lovtchevitch, of Dobritch, aged 48, two superficial bayonet wounds inthe back and hand.

Yovanka, daughter of Ivan Grouitch, of Dobritch, aged 10, superficially wounded in the back (with a bayonet).

Leposaoa, wife of Milan Lovtchevitch, of Dobritch, aged 23, superficially wounded in the left breast.

Leposava, daughter of Yovan Lovtchevitch, of Dobritch, aged 20, two bayonet wounds, one a complete perforation ; dangerously injured.