The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


Ljubomir, son of Zhivko Adamoviteh, of Dobriteh, aged 9, superficial bayonet wound.

Milosh, son of Yovan Lovtchevitch, of Dobritch, aged 17, three superficial bayonet wounds. Mirka,daughter of Zhivko Adamovitch, of Dobritch, aged 15, two superficial bayonet wounds. Milka, daughter of Stefan Adamovitch, of Do-

britch, aged 17, three severe bayonet wounds.

Milka Adamovitch, of Dobritch, aged 74, severe bayonet wound.

Milka, wife of Petar Adamovitch, of Dobritch, aged 50, bayonet wound.

Svetozar, son of Yovan Lovtchevitch, of Dobriteh, aged 8, bayonet thrust in left side.

Olga, daughter of Petar Adamovitch, of Dobritch, aged 6, slight bayonet wound.

Rosa, daughter of Zhivoin Popovitch, of Dobritch, aged 15, severe wound in the abdomen. Her father and mother were killed on the way.

Raiva, daughter of Antonie Adamoviteh, of Dobritch, aged 2, superficial bayonet wound.

Spasenia, wife of Milisav Nikolitch, of Dobritch, aged 28, two superficial bayonet wounds.

Tihomir Adamovitch, of Dobritch, aged 19, superficial bayonet wound.

Tonia, wife of Gjoka Yovanovitch, of Dobritch, aged 56, severe bayonet wound in the abdomen.

Milutin, son of Pavle Adamovitch, of Dobritch, aged 9, deep bayonet wound in the abdomen. Dead.

The undersigned treated all the wounds specified

above, on August 7th, 1914.

Signed, Dr. DraG. Basurrcs, Surgeon of the 1st Cavalry Regt.