The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


Affidavit by Misha St. Llitch :

“In the village of Krivaitza 1 saw a party of 15 persons who had been massacred. They were all tied together with one big rope. Most of them were women and old men. Two young children (barely 5 years old) were included in their number. Each one of the victims had been killed in a different manner. Some had an arm or a leg broken, others had their throats cut, yet others had been run through with bayonets. In some cases the flesh had been partially sliced away, in others strips of skin had been removed. Beside this group of 15 persons there were yet another three peasants, shot dead. This massacre was perpetrated by order of Commanding Officer Balzarek.

“In the village of Breziak, I saw the dead bodies of an entire family, consisting of 4 persons (father, mother, and two daughters). Their dog had been tied to one of the girls and killed with its owners. In this village I also inspected the bodies of other 6 victims who had been killed together and then buried by the Austrian soldiers. When the bodies were exhumed, they were in such an advanced state of decomposition, that it was impossible to recognise them. A nauseating stench so infected the atmosphere that we could not endure the presence of the bodies.

“Valievo, October 5th, 1914.

“ (Signed) Misga St. ILITCH.”

This written affidavit refers to the Balzarek affair which is narrated in full in Report No. 23, by Colonel Djura Dokitch (see his deposition) and it is