The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


mentioned in Captain Boyovitch’s deposition, taken down in Yarebitze. The affidavit of M. St. Ilitch was accompanied by photographs which are in my hands. You are in possession of the report of the International Commission which collected important evidence bearing upon this affair and whose report I shall not repeat in my present work.


Under the date 12/25 of August, Kuyundjitch, Officer in Command of the 1st Company, 3rd Battalion, 13th Regt., makes the following report :—

More than 20 persons belonging to the village of Grushitch have been killed. Half of the victims were young women, young boys and children.

In the village of Z%zulkovitch, 15 persons, the greater number of whom were young boys, girls, and children, were assassinated, mostly bayoneted to death. A one-year-old infant was bayoneted full in the chest, and died in consequence of this injury. All these atrocities were committed in the rooms and cellars where the population had sought to take refuge at the approach of the Austrian invasion.

(See deposition by Dr. Bashitch.)

A young man had hidden in a maize-field. A passer-by told him that the army marching past was not Austrian but Serbian. The unfortunate youth left his hiding-place and was taken by the