The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


mother, who had been bayoneted in the cheek and thigh, and the infant she held in her arms had been wounded in the shoulder. The most horrible sight T saw was a boy who dragged himself into the yard—with his bowels hanging out, and without medical assistance. In a yard directly behind the house lay the dead bodies of two young girls.

On proceeding from Twulkovitch to Dobritch 1 met a peasant who had been taken prisoner, but contrived to escape. He told me that a considerable number of people had been killed, slaughtered and wounded in the neighbourhood. At the same spot I met a young girl all covered with blood who told me that the Austrians had killed her two elder sisters and her younger brother.

No. 6

Mihailo Mikovitch, Commanding Officer of the 1st Company, 1st Battalion, 13th Regt. of the 1st levy, reports under the date of August 12/25th:

On Aug. 7/20 he saw mutilated Serbian women in T=ulkovitch. One of them had received a knifethrust in the abdomen; after killing another, the Austrians slaughtered her child and placed the corpse between the legs of the dead woman. The inhabitants of the neighbourhood assured him that many atrocities of this kind had been committed in the neighbourhood.

No. 7 Lieutenant Arandjel Milenovitch, Second in

Command of a Company, reports under the date of August 12/25th :