The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


Following the road along the Tzer, I saw the bodies of two boys who had been killed in the (Austrian) positions. In the village of Desitch 1 saw the body of a peasant whose throat had been cut, and in Zzulkovitch the bodies of two quite young girls and three young women who had been killed.

No. 8

Dr. Nikola Ristitch, Army Surgeon (of the 18th Infantry Regiment, 1st levy), reports under the date of August 12/25th:

In the village of Desitch, he noted on August 7th that the whole population had taken flight.

On the same day, in Bela Reka, he was told by the peasants, that a large number of boys and girls, as well as young women, had been carried into captivity. In one house he found an old man, wounded, whose wounds he dressed. When he returned on the 8th and passed again through the village, a young gipsy woman told him that her husband had been killed. In the midst of the village of Bela Reka, he saw three young girls who bewailed an elder sister whom the Austrians had carried off and killed. Deceased was the wife of Dragutin Markovitch, of Tzulkovitch. On the outskirts of the village he visited a wounded man named Mirko Krainovitch, who was lying in bed, his right arm covered with blood. From this peasant he heard that the Austrians had taken him away, together with three other peasants, to the village of Lipolist, where the soldiers shot them. Two were killed on the spot, whereas he and one other man contrived to rise after the Austrians had left.