The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


In the village of Prnjavor I was shown the sites of six houses, whose owners are at present on active service, and who on their return found nothing left of their homes. The houses had been completely burnt and the members of their families burnt alive. In four other houses nobody was spared, not even the little children. All these families have been completely wiped out.

No. 11

Captain Milan Nikolitch, Officer in command of the 4th Company of the 4th Battalion of the 13th Infantry Regiment, reports under the date of August 12/25th :—

A man between 40 and 45 years of age was murdered in the village of Desitch. In a village near Tzulkovitch, a private of my Company found three men and two old women massacred by the Austrians. They had been killed within their house, and the bodies were then thrown into the yard. In Tzulkoviteh itself an old man of 55 to 60 years of age was killed together with seven or eight children.

No. 12

Major Rad. Miloshevitch, Commander of the 1st Battalion of the 14th Regt. of the 1st levy, reports under date of August 9/22nd :—

Captain Yovan Yovanovitch sends a communication to the effect that on August 7/20th peasants of Kik informed him that the village had been sacked by the Austrians, and that one of their officers had violated a little girl. Captain Radenko