The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


Kaljevitch says that he witnessed the pillaging of the village by the Austrians. Second-Lieutenant Miodrag Miushkovitch saw a peasant in Mali Kil, whom the Austrians had wounded in both thighs. Some women told him that a young girl had been violated by an Austrian. I myself saw an enemy soldier who had stolen property in his haversack (1 belt, 2 shirts, 2 pairs of stockings). Privates Poin Golubovitch and Yovan Stoianovitch saw a boy of 16 in the village of Kik, who had been 7 times bayoneted and then thrown on the grindstone of amill. Private Yevrem Miladinovitch was told by an old woman in the same locality that the Austrians had murdered 38 young girls. Corporal Dobrosav Mikitch was informed by a woman of the same village that a young girl had been outraged by 8 Austrian soldiers, and had died In consequence.

No. 12 (a)

Major Milan Todosievitch, Officer in Command of the 2nd Battalion of the 13th Regt. of the Ist levy, reports, under date of August 9/22nd, that he saw that the Austrians had killed a boy of 14 in a water-mill between Pushkarevatz and Mala Gradna. The body of the child was thrown into the river. An old man who witnessed the deed, avers that the lad had been killed for no reason at all. Near Maidan Hill he also saw an old man aged between 50 and 60, from Sipulja, who had been severely wounded in the groin by the Austrians after having been compelled to serve them as a guide.