The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


No. 16

Second-Lieutenant Mihailo Fatitch, Second in Command of the 1st Company, 2nd Battalion, 14th Regt., reports under the date of Aug. 9th/22nd, that on Aug. 7/20th he saw the Austrians bayonet an old man in a village, near which the fighting took place. The incident was observed by the whole of his Company.

No. 17

Lieutenant Yovan Dimitrievitch, Second in Command of the 4th Company, 2nd Battalion, 14th Regt., of the Ist levy, reports under the date of August 9th/22nd, that on August 7th/20th he saw in a house in the positions round Pushkarevatz, the body of an old man who had been massacred by the Austrians.

No. 18

Section Commander Sergeant Dushan Milosavljevitch, of the 4th Section of the 3rd Company of the 2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regt., reports under the date of August 9/22nd, that on August 6/19th, on the way to the positions on the Tzer, he saw the body of a boy of 15 or 16, whom the Austrians had killed in front of their positions near the village of Volonje.

No. 19

Section Commander Dob. Milenkovitch, 2nd Sec-

tion, 3rd Coy. of the 2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry

Regt., reports under the date of August 9th/22nd, that on August 7th/20th he found in a wood the