The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


bodies of two women and one old man who had been massacred by the Austrians. This had been done in the vicinity of the village of Tekerish.

No. 20

Major Vladimir Brkitch, Commander of the 3rd Battn., 12th Regt., reports under the date of August 9/22nd that near the village of Bistritza he saw 18 corpses—8 female and 10 male—lying in a small river. Among the corpses there were those of two children under 10 years of age. In the village of T%ikitch the Major saw the bodies of two peasants who had been killed, and one peasant who had been shot in several places. A woman who had escaped from Shabatz told him that even little girls under 10 had been violated there.

No. 21

Major Dushan Stamenkovitch, Commander of the 4th Battn., 14th Infantry Regt., reports under the date of August 9/22nd that he heard from a woman that the Austrians had killed her brother in their positions at Ossoi. He himself saw the bodies of two massacred peasants. While crossing over to the right bank of the Yadar he observed 8 or 9 corpses roped together. These persons had been killed in a field by the river edge. One of the bodies was that of a woman, and one that of a little girl. On the road from Pushkarevatz the Major learnt from a peasant-woman that the priest of that village had been killed. Near the river Suvaia he was told that the husband and two children of one peasant-woman had been killed,