The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


as well as the father of another. In a house in the village of Tzikot he saw the body of an old man who had been killed.

No. 22

Colonel Vasa Stoiunovitch, Commander of the 15th Infantry Regt., reports under the date of August 12th/25th that he has been informed of the following atrocities committed by the Austrians: —

In the village of Yarebitze 6 young girls of about 15 were taken away as hostages, one old man was burnt alive, 4 children were slaughtered with their mother and the bodies thrown in a heap; another child had its fingers cut off. One woman complained that the enemy had taken away her 4 children as hostages. In one house all the inmates found in it were killed, even the children between two and ten years of age. The men of the neighbourhood aver that the girls and women, and even all the old women, were outraged by the Austrians. Many young girls were carried off. One young woman relates that she was violated by five Austrian soldiers,

In the village of Simino Brdo 2 young girls and 2 old men were taken away as hostages. They were members of the family of Stanko Zhivanovitch. One young girl was violated in the Church of Yarebitze. In the village of Rumska a peasant-woman complained that her father and brother had been killed and the young girls violated.

In the village of Zavlaka 18 persons were killed, including 2 young girls and 4 children. The rest of the victims were old men and old women.