The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


In the village of Shuriatze, according to information received from the peasants of 7zikot, the Austrians killed the pope (village priest) after having tortured him and spat in his face. They also killed a peasant and his three brothers in Zzkot, because they found a Turkish bullet in their house.

In the village of Desitch they massacred 5 women, 4 old men, and 5 children.

In the village of Neshkutze, 30 persons, women, young girls, and children, were killed, and their dead bodies thrown in a heap.

In the village of Bela Reka the Austrians killed 4 old men, 2 women, 6 children, and a young man. Certain soldiers sucked the milk of a peasant woman who was nursing an infant.

All these villages were sacked and numerous acts of rapine were committed.

In the village of Baitch the Austrians entered a house, and on finding there an old man lying in his bed they riddled him with bayonet-thrusts. In a wood near the village they killed an old man, a woman, and a child.

The Mayor of the village of Bela Reka was killed. Nine members of his family were taken away as hostages. A gipsy woman complained of Austrian soldiers having sucked her breast. Many mutilated corpses were found all round the positions on the Tzer.

No. 28

Colonel Gjura Dokitch, Commander of the 20th Infantry Regt., 1st levy, reports under the date of August 13/26th.