The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


that the following persons were killed by the Austrians :

In the borough of Stupnitza, Yadar district, county of Podrinje:

Milosh Yankovitch, aged 55.

Maxim Nedelkovitch, aged 50.

Nedelko Mitrovitch, aged about 40.

Djoka Muitrovitch, aged 60.

Yovan Obradovitch, aged 30.

Marko Vasilievitch, aged 60.

Ljubomir Maximovitch, aged 30.

Marko Mitchanovitch, aged 60.

Yovan Petrovitch, aged 60, and his wife, aged 50.

In the village of Z'churitze, in the parish of Tikot, the Austrians killed and massacred the following persons :

Zhivoilo Blagoievitch, aged 60.

Milisav Ristivoievitch, aged 8.

Alimpie Radovanovitch, aged 30.

Petra, wife of Milutin Stanimirovitch, aged 40.

Sava Popovitch, priest, aged 80, Sava Stevanovitch, Philip Stevanovitch, and Sava Simeonovitch, were taken as hostages.

Yovan Blagoievitch, aged 50, and Yula Simeonovitch, aged 20, were wounded in the neck and side.

Bogosava Vukovitch, his wife and two children were taken away as hostages.

In the village of 7ikot and Krivaitza, parish of T=zikot, the following persons were massacred :—

Gregor Philipovitch, aged 55.

Stoiko ¥Yovanovitch, aged 60.

Ilia Alexitch, aged 60.