The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


The last-named had his ears and nose cut off, he was also castrated. He was subjected to these tortures with the sole object of extorting money from him. He died in frightful agony.

The Austrians furthermore killed : Dimitrie Petrovitch, aged 60.

imeon Pavlovitch, aged 60 ANY threct members

Yeor Pavlovit 1, d 58. evrem £ravloviich, age of one family.

Zhivan Pavlovitch, aged 49.

Zhioan Andritch, aged 50.

Tzoeta Antonovitch and Matia Yovitchitch, aged 60.

Yevrem Zhivanovitch, aged 60.

Niko Matitch, aged 60, and the son (aged 25) of Vidoie Matitch.

Stepan A chimovitch, aged 70.

Sima A chimovitch, aged 70.

Damian A chimovitch, aged 40.

Obrad Glishanovitch, aged 50.

Kosta Andritch, aged 65.

Tzvia Krsmanovitch, aged 60.

Vasilie Djukanovitch, aged 60.

T'zvia Laziich, aged 60.

Kosta Yovitchitch, aged 50, and his son, Milorad Youvitchitch, aged 25.

Stanisava Matitch (little girl aged 4) and Kata Andritch, aged 4.

In the parish of Dvoraitza the following persons were killed :—

Maxim Vasitch, aged 53. This unfortunate man was tied to a mill-wheel which was then set in motion. Whenever the wheel carried him round
