The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


No. 31

Captain Dr. B. Georgevitch, Army Surgeon of the 2nd Cavalry Regiment, reports under the date of August 8/21st :

Passing through the village of Dobritch, he found the bodies of two peasants who had been killed by rifle shots. In the inn of the village of Bogosavatz he saw the bodies of 6 persons who had been bayoneted. In the streets of the village he perceived the dead bodies of four youths about 15 years of age. In Prnjavor he heard from the peasants that on the morning of the day of his arrival the Austrians had recovered 50 corpses from the burning house of the heirs of Milan Milutinovitch. The doctor himself saw a skeleton on the charcoal, which by the slightness of the bones he judged to be that of a youth. He also noticed other fragmentary bone remains. In another building all riddled with bullets, he saw a whole heap of corpses. In the house of Mihailo Milutinovitch, which had been set on fire, he found 15 corpses. It appears that all these persons were first shot, and then thrown in the fire.

The said doctor adds that he dressed the wounds of the seven-year-old son of Andreia Maistorovitch, who had been wounded by a bullet which struck him in the abdomen and passed out through his left thigh. He also attended the daughter of Stevan Stevolitch, aged 20, wounded by a bullet which had perforated the right side of her chest. The bullet entered under the right nipple and passed out underneath the right shoulder-blade. He was also requested to attend Vladislav Alano-