The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


vitcl’s little girl, aged 2 years, who had been wounded by a sharp weapon in her right arm.

No. 32

Commander of the Reserve, Dr. Hranislao Y oksimovitch, Army Surgeon of the Horse Artillery Division, on August 10/28rd, at the village of T'chokeshina, attended the woman Milosia Nikolavna, aged 60, who was suffering from wounds produced by fire-arms in her right elbow, left hand, right cheek-bone, and in both breasts. The bones of the right elbow and left hand were fractured. According to her statements, the Austrians had shot her because she had no bread to give them, and told them she had no husband, whereas they found a man’s shirt in the yard. In the village of Tzulkovitch, Dr. Y oksimovitch treated a child which had been wounded in both arms. The child’s mother had been killed. In the village of Bela Reka he attended to a young girl aged 18, Stana by name, who had received a bullet wound in the chest.

No. 33

Captain Nikola Peiovitch, Commander of the 3rd Coy. of the 2nd Battn. of the 14th Infantry Regt. of the 2nd levy, reports under the date of August 9 22nd :—

On that day, in the village of Bogosavatz, in the house of Nikola Antitch, he saw the dead bodies of the owner, who was over 50 years of age, and his wife, aged 20, his daughter-in-law, 8 boys between 3 and 7 years of age, and a little girl of 8 or 4 years. In another room in the same house he