The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


found the mutilated corpse of the brother of Nikola Antitch. In another house, of which he did not know to whom it belonged, he saw the bodies of 8 persons who had been massacred3 women, 2 men, and 3 little boys, all thrown in a heap. He also saw in a third house, a murdered woman from whose womb the Austrian soldiers had taken a male foetus. In one yard he saw two men who had been hanged. The right arm of one of them had been flayed, from which it would seem that he had been tortured before being hanged. In the yard of another house he found the bodies of 4 men ; one corpse had been thrown on the fire.

No. 84

Captain Stevan Burmazovitch, Commander of the 2nd Company, 1st Battalion, 13th Infantry Regt., 2nd levy, reports under date of August 17/30th, that in the village of Bogosavatz he saw himself the bodies of an entire family consisting of 8 members, who had all been killed by the Austrians. Outside a shed lay the body of an old man. In the yard of one house he saw the body of a man aged between 40 and 50. Another corpse lay in the road just outside a house. A little farther along he saw the bodies of two who had fallen while clasping each other in a last embrace. A woman told him that these two were brother and sister, and had been killed together. Four children had been killed within their own home; they were from 8 to 15 years of age. An old woman told him that many people had been carried off as hostages.