The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


No. 38

Corporal Zharko Chairanoviich, of the 3rd Regt. of the 2nd levy, reports under the date of August 10/238rd.

In the village of Bastava the Austrians cut off the breasts of Yakova Soldatovitch, a woman aged 60. They killed the son of Andreia Soldatovitch ; Milan Soldatovitch was murdered. In the village of Moikovitch, parish of Bela T'zrkva, 6 old men were killed. In the village of Likodra 3 persons met with the same fate. Many persons were taken away as hostages.

No. 39 Captain Ilha Pavlovitch (Timok Division, 2nd levy) reports under date of August 16/29th, that in a house in the village of Mahovo he saw the body of a woman who had been bayoneted. A child was asleep on her breast.

No. 40

Captain Bozha Pandurovitch, Commander of the 3rd Coy., 4th Battn., 12th Regt. of the 2nd levy, reports under the date of August 16/29th, that in the village of Livade he saw two corpses, one of a man, the other of a woman, both aged about 80, who had been killed with knife-thrusts.

No. 41

Major Sreten Raikovitch, officer in Command of the 1st Battn. of the 15th Infantry Regt., 2nd levy, reports under the date of August 16/29th,