The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


that the officers and men of his regiment observed the following incidents :—

On the road, just outside the village of Mahovo, they found the mutilated corpse of an old man. In a private wood near the same village they discovered the body of an old man, with his ribs and spine fractured. In one house lay a woman killed with her two little children. A third child had fled into a wood where our men had succeeded in finding it. In a house in the village of Livade they came upon a woman aged 60, dead, and with her nose and ears cut off. In the meadows of Arambashitch the Austrians killed two boys. In the village of Muhovo the soldiers found a young girl of 17, a man, and a woman massacred. The young girl had been struck down by a blow from an axe in the back. In one house in the village of Y evremovatz they found the bodies of 2 women and 4 small children, who had all been killed. In the village of Bama they discovered the dead body of an old man whom the Austrians had taken to serve them as guide. All our soldiers who fell before Shabatz on August 8th were slashed with bayonets.

No. 42

Captain Milorad Y ovanovitch, Commander of the 2nd Coy., 2nd Battn. of the 15th Regt., 2nd levy, reports under the date of August 16th/29th that in the village of Mahovo he saw a woman suffering from several bayonet-wounds who told him, before dying, that the Austrians had killed her.