The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


No. 43

Lieutenant Dr. Z'chedomir Marianovitch, Commander of the 4th Coy. of the 4th Battn. of the 15th Regt., 2nd levy, reports under the date of August 16/29th :—

In a house in the village of Livade he saw the body of an old man who had been murdered. The right side of his lower jaw had been torn off. In Shabatz he was told that all Serb soldiers who had been taken prisoners by the Austrians had been massacred.

A party of 20 soldiers had been executed in the yard, outside the stables belonging to a house owned by one Gashitch. A second party of 30 soldiers was butchered in a room, and the bodies were thrown pell-mell on the top of each other. All were pierced with bayonet-thrusts. When Lieutenant M. inspected the place, there was so much blood that it came up to his ankles. The atmosphere was intolerable, impossible to breathe.

Military Depositions made before the Undersigned

Colonel Antitch, Chief of Staff of the Cavalry Division, tells me that in Petkovitza he saw the bodies of 8 men and 5 women who had been massacred and burnt. He also states that in that village about 80 persons are said to have been confined in a house which was then set on fire. He furthermore deposes that in Prnjavor everything was burnt down. He was also told that many old men and children were burnt. One old man of 80, a former deputy, was taken, tied to a car and afterwards killed. Near Prajavor station the Austrians shot about 50 persons (as a matter