The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


Zhivko Sevitch, aged 22. Tvan Voinovitch, 30. Tvan Sevitch, a 21. Tvan Miyatovitch, 50. Pavle Vorinchevitch, si 30, Ivana Milinkovitch (a woman), ,, 30, and Mihailo Lazareviteh, 50.

The young men in this list had Been disabled during the earlier wars. They produced their Invalid Certificates in order to prove that they were non-effectives, but the Austrians shot them notwithstanding. At the suggestion of his military informants, the undersigned likewise ordered the opening of a pit situated close to the house of Mihailo Milutinovitch in Prnjavor. The exhumation proved that the pit contained many human remains, including the bones of a young girl or boy, the hair of a very young girl, a little girl's bracelet, ete., ete. Of the civilian witnesses some said that the grave contained the remains of ten persons, others spoke of 380 victims. (Cf the subsequent paragraph dealing with the results of personal investigation.)

Military Telegram sent to the Undersigned

In the village of Moikovitch the following persons were killed :(—

Dobria, wife of Theodor Vasitch, aged 27.

Dragutin Djuritch, a child aged 7

Ilia Markovitch, aged 60.

Peter Panitch, » 95.

Ljuba Vesitch, aged 47, clubbed to death with the butt-ends of rifles.