The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


Stevan Djuritch, aged 48, and his two brothers,

Spasoie Djuritch, aged 57, and Milan Djuritch, aged 37.

Simeon Djuritch, aged 58.

Voia Neditch ,, 58.

Zhivko Arsenitch, ,, 95.

Simka, the wife of Alewie Pantitch, was wounded.

According to the deposition of Milan Popovitch, priest of Bela T'zrkva, the following persons were massacred in the village of Bastava :

Peladia Soldatovitch, a woman aged 71.

Yakov Soldatovitch, aged 68. Milorad Ristitch, 53, Milan Soldatovitch Kekitch, ,, 58. Borisava Soldatovitch, ,, 21, and Ranko Nikolitch, nasa

This enumeration only includes one of the sisters Soldatovitch. In the village of Stave : Bogosav Blagoievitch, aged 38. Raiko Popovitch, a L128. Lazar Radanovitch, ,, 65, and Mihailo Simitch.

According to the deposition of Madame Stana Ignatovitch, of Tzulina, the following persons were massacred in the village of Zzulina, parish of Drina, Radjevo district :—

Bogosav Blagoievitch, aged 60, murdered in his own mill, and Miliwoie Glwoak, of the village of Amaitch, aged 40, killed, and his body thrown into the Drina.

According to the depositions of Mr. Dobro-