The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


guns. After the Serbs had retired, the Austrians massacred wholesale. The Austrians had the list of membership of the « Narodna Odbrana,” and shot every member of the Society.

Viadimir Preizovitch, aged 42, owner of a house in the Tzrkvena Mala at Prnjavor, took in a Serbian cavalryman who had been seriously wounded and gave up his bed to him. When the Austrians arrived, Preizovitch fled, and on his return, he discovered that the Austrians had lit a fire under the bed of the wounded man, and roasted him. As the result of a scrupulous inspection of the room in which this scene had taken place, the undersigned affirms, that undoubtedly the boards are charred underneath the bed over an extent of two metres by one. The wall is blackened and even more browned by smoke. The undersigned also identified a bullet-hole in the window pane. The shot was fired into the house from without.

Vasilia, wife of Preizovitch, deposes: On their return from the Tzer the Austrians arrested about 500 to 600 women and interned them for four days in the Hotel. The girls and young married women were taken away and violated. They were set free by the Serbians.

Milka Yekitch, aged 28, of Prnjavor, deposes that a house opposite the Parish Town Hall, and which was partially burnt, contained 8 wounded Serbians. After the Austrians had departed, it was found that four of them had been burnt, and the other four butchered. The Austrians caused the Serbian dead to be buried in the gutter by the roadside.

