The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


return next morning that they perpetrated all these cruelties. The harvest and all the carts belonging to Stanchitch were burnt.

Ljubomir Tarlanovitch, of Ribare, aged 18, was wounded by a bayonet-thrust in the right side of his back. He had taken refuge in a maize field. On his being discovered by the Austrians, they fired upon him without however hitting him. His younger brother, Michailo, aged 16, who was in the street, was killed with 15 bayonet-thrusts. He was first struck and fell, but the soldiers set upon him and riddled him with further thrusts.

Stevania Boshkovitch witnessed this scene. The two sons of the cousin of Tarlanovitch were likewise killed. The wound was verified.

Prnjavor (Pop. 2,400)

Svetozar Rebitch, Mayor of Prnjaoor, and Dragomir Antonievitch, town clerk, declare that 109 persons were taken away to Leshnitza, and have not been heard of since ; 199 of the villagers were killed or burnt; 37 were taken away to Bosnia and have not been heard of since; 179 families had their property burnt. The Austrians arrived on July 30th and assembled all the men of the village. Many of them were shot. If they found a military summons on a villager, or any one in possession of a cartridge, that person was shot. All the men who were in the fields and did not come in with the others, were shot. Twentysix persons perished in this way. On August 4th, on their way back from the Tzer, the Austrians were attacked by the Serb cavalry, who took 3