The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


years of age). Only 20 corpses were found, however, 12 having disappeared. The latter had very probably been killed in Leshnitza. Dobrosavljevitch found the body of Pavle Batchitch, aged 75. After killing him, the Austrians threw his body on the stove in the passage of his house. Batchitch and his son had first been taken as hostages and carried away to Dobritch. The son was killed there, and the father brought back to Tchokeshina, where he was executed in the manner described above.

Mihailo Yankovitch, aged 75, was killed with rifle shots. The male organ was cut off and placed in his mouth. It was in this condition that the corpse was found.

The Austrians arrived at Tchokeshina on July 31st, and the massacres were perpetrated on August 2nd and 3rd. The soldiers were Hungarians. When they arrived, most of the inhabitants had taken flight. On their return from the Tzer the Austrians merely passed through and enquired their way to the Drina. The atrocities were probably committed because several comitadjis had retired towards the Drina, and the Austrians were aware of the fact. They requisitioned everything they needed, food, cattle, etc., without payment, be it understood. Not a shot was fired in the village. Witness states that two barns were burnt. Whenever the Hungarian soldiers met a civilian they made a gesture indicating throat-cutting, while the soldiers of Serb or Croat nationality always reassured the population. Apparently the officers did not take part in the massacre.