The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


Draghitch Dobrosavljevitch, aged 15, of T'chokeshina, had a shot-wound two centimetres above the left breast. He was treated at Valievo. When Dobrosavljevitch saw the soldiers pillaging and killing he fled, but the Austrians fired at him, I verified the wounds.

As a rule the peasants who have been merely wounded think nothing of it, and do not report the fact to the authorities. Thus it is almost impossible to ascertain the exact number and the names of the wounded.

The same difficulty occurs in the case of violated women. They will not speak, because the women dread the disgrace, and the young girls who have been violated can no longer hope to get married.

The village of Novo Selo has a population of about 1500. , of this village, declares that seven persons were killed by the Austrians. Of these he quoted by name one Mladen Lazareviich, a onearmed man, aged 39, who was hanged, and Mihailo Bashitch, aged 64, who had his throat cut. The five other men were all aged about 60. Besides these, 28 persons were carried off, some of whom were killed at Leshnitza. The fate of the others is unknown, but in all probability they have also been killed. The only thing known about them is that four were burnt in Prnjavor, and a woman was killed at Leshnitza.

Before the arrival of the Austrians, the comitadjis under Major Popovitch (Vuk), had on their retreat advised the population to take to flight; this