The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


The royal family, also in this wholesale suffering, shared unreservedly the lot of the Serbian army and nation. Old King Peter, broken down by age and sickness, delayed his retreat to the last moment, and shared his bread and shelter with the common soldiers. The Prince Regent Alexander, exhausted by fatigue and mental effort, never parted from the troops. During the operations on the front he never thought of himself, and neglected his health. In Skutari he fell sick and underwent an operation; but his spirit was as high as ever. Hardly recovered, he left his sick-bed and was daily seen among the troops, cheering and comforting them. Notwithstanding the repeated urgent appeals of his councillors and physicians to embark for Corfu, he remained in Albania until the last of the troops were embarked. His noble courage and devotion to the nation did much for the rebirth of the Serbian army, whose deeds on the Monastir front speak better than any words of mine for its valour and devotion to the common cause.