The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


THE future peace conference will have to solve many difficult and complicated problems, and among them the problem of the Adriatic is the most delicate one, and pregnant with farreaching consequences. Upon the just and fair solution of that problem depends the happiness of the next generation of two gifted nations, the Italians and the Southern Slavs, and the future peace between the Latin and the Slav worlds. Here, if anywhere, the factors which in the past have led to war must be eliminated, unless the bright hopes of humanity are to end in bitter disappointment, the vision of enduring peace vanish like a fairy dream, and Europe is again to be confronted with the ugly reality of evercontending Imperialism of different States and races.

Italy, by intervening in the present war on the side of the Allies, was able to promote and to secure the realisations of views upon the Adriatic which her statesmen claimed to be the guarantee and the safeguard of Italian interests in the Adriatic. I do not pretend to know what is the agreement concerning the Adriatic arrived