The religion of Logos and Sophia : from the writings of Dimitrije Mitrinović on Christianity

creative and causal. Destiny can be understood by intellect, and mere forms of things and processes of things can be analysed; but Providence can be known only by the heart of humans, by our emotions, desires, will; by our soul. For the Soul of Man is also an organ of knowledge, not only his intellect.’

Between Providence and Destiny, Man alone decides, since Providence is what can be if Man makes the inner spiritual effort to realise his powers to the full, Destiny is what will be if he is lazy and lets events take their natural course.

‘It is freedom and the human race that rule the Earth’s fate as much as Providence and Destiny. Man is thus the very heart of the world and its plan. Freedom, however, means voluntary and rational obeying of Providence. It means realising the creative needs of Providence. Obedience to Providence and heroism against Destiny is the meaning of Freedom and of men. To produce or not to produce values—this is the worth and merit of humanity; to produce or not to produce, not what, where or when to produce. To realise and fulfil the needs and plans of Man and of Providence—not what to realise, where to realise, when to realise them—is the glory of collective humanity and also of the individual. In the ineffable difficulty of such obedience and heroism consists the glory of human achievement, and in the victory over this greatest of all difficulties consists human super-humanness and self-transcendence. How to realise the needs of the Creator is the work of Man; and this work is History itself. What ought to be realised on earth is predestined, providential. Universal Humanity ought to be realised.’

Our age is the transition from evolution to history. Man is indeed the purpose and meaning of the earth, but so far man’s life has only been the unfolding of cosmic evolution upon the Human Planet. Both the development of mankind as a whole and the lives of most individual men have been up to now, and still for the most part are, directed from dark powers within the human unconscious. It cannot be said of the collective life of mankind any more than it can of the life of the average individual, that it is self-consciously guided. Evolution so far has been the creation of

our Species by Providers and Destiny.