Towards democracy


Nearer than ever Now ... aoe Fi O Thou whose Form = The Elder Soldier to the woneer 35 Into the Regions of the Sun (1856)

As it Happened ost = one Parted Lips a sa aes Summer-heat ... <, aoe okt A rivederci acs one

Who will Learn erection After all Suffering

When a Thousand Years have Passed m. A Message Committed to the Waves... Rest at Last ... Eh eas See

The Wind of May

O Earth, scene of what torl ote au A Voice over the Earth “oe xe In the Chamber of Birth .. cre ow » A Cottage among the Hills Bes Alice ... z ares Bad ced Baby Song... a oc “tr Early Morning ... eee oH om: The Golden Wedding See one The Mother to her Daughter cre Eee A Sprig of Aristocracy oe ee A Scene in London = Fes ad S. James’ Park a ese The Twin Statues of Amenopiis ore aed Artemidorus, Farewell Eas pee From Turin to Paris esa on oe) To the End of Time os cc On the Eve of Departure... = pas Arenzano ... aoe ae wee O Tender Heart ae a0 os The Carter ae oo os The Stone-cutter vas = sos The Voice of One Blind on oc, A Song in Old Age oct eee aoe In Extreme Age... - Ses



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