Towards democracy

x Contents Sheffield... orn pas oo A Lancashire Mill-hand ... cos ATrade ... Pre xc

The Ploughboy ree ni The Jackdaw s

By the Mersey .. ac

In the British ieee ieee

Empire one Koo The British, a. p. 80


China, a. D. 1900

Standing beyond Time

Who but the Lover should know The Everlasting Now

Now is the accepted Time

A Summer Day

The central Calm

Widening Circles

When I Look upon your Faces Life behind Life

The stupid old Body

The wandering lunatic Mind As a Mould for some fair Form Nothing less than All

Believe yourself a Whole

The Body within the Body

In an old Quarry

The Soul to the Body

To become a Creator

After Fifty Years

Out of the House of Childhood Little Brook without a Name (1902) Lo! what a World I Create ...



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