Анали Правног факултета у Београду



говор с целью избежания конфискации, продажа определенный вещей ограниченному числу потребителей по исключительно низкой цене, совместная деятельность ремесленников в целях, противных закону, и другие схожие сделки), автор находит, что и югославские суды с некоторым отступлениями, основном придерживаются теории противозаконных побуждений, получившей особо широкое развитие во французской правовой теории в первые десятилетия нашего века. SUMMARY The Theory of Unallowed »Causa« in Practice The answer to the question why parties commit themselves by making contracts (cur debetur) has inspired and divided, many authors dealing with the so-called theory of the »causa«. Since the time of the French theoretician Domat, this theory has been rapidly developed and at present, alongside with the classical theory and the theory of anti-causalists, many authors explain the »causa« by application of subjective or objective theses. But it seems that the majority of modem authors support a theory which in fact is a symbiosis of subjective and objective views of »causa«. The author supports the proposition formulated in the twenties of this century by the French theoretical Capitani, which has been labelled as neo-clasicist. The relation of the motive tot he »causa« in view of the division of the contracts to onerous and benefactory established by this theory seems to be best suited not only to the theoretical, but practical requirements as well. Explaining the practical aspect of this theory, the author concludes that it should not be applied in law-courts in a mechanical way, but each case should be devoted particular attention, guided by the content and idea of established legal and moral imperatives. Analyzing the French judicial practice relative to the matter of concubinate, sale of brothels, loan for hazardous games, matrimonial mediation, and other similar contracts, the author states that law-courts do in fact apply the theory of unallowed »causa« laid down by Capitant. Comparing the French judicial practice with the practice of Yugoslav law-courts (concubinate, payment to the father of the girl to make her marry a particular man, waiver of the right to break the contract on account of laesio enormis, or to reclaim presents on account of ingratitude of the receiver, contract intended to avoid confiscation, sale of some items to a limited group of consumers at exceptionally low prices, partnership in crafts to carry on a prohibited activity, and other similar contracts) the author finds that the Yugoslav courts, diverging to some extent, in fact accept the theory of unallowed »causa« which has had a remarkable development in the French legal theory in the first decades of this century. RÉSUMÉ Le théorie de la cause illicite dans l’application pratique La réponse à la question pourquoi les parties s’obligent en s’engageant dans les contrats de droit des obligations (cur debitur) a inspiré, mais aussi divisé, beaucoup d’auteurs dans des sens différents, tous autour de la théorie dite la théorie de la cause. Depuis l’époque du théoricien français Domat cette théorie s’est développée avec rapidité, de sorte qu’aujourd’ hui, outre la théorie classique et la théorie des adversaires de la théorie de la cause un grand nombre d’auteurs essaient d’expliquer la cause par l’application de la thèse subjective ou objective. Cependant, il paraît que la plupart