The science of life : fully illustrated in tone and line and including many diagrams


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Abdomen, 27; of lobster, 120

Abyssal zone: life in, 513. See Deep sea.

Acartia, 595

Achetina, 565

Acheulean culture, 492, 493

Acquired characters, inheritance of, 353-360

Acromegaly, 101

Actinozoa, 151

Activation, 93

Adamsia, 559

Adaptation to habitat, 505-507; 526

Adaptive radiation, 450-451

Adirondacks, 612

Adler, Alfred, 812, 814, 829, 836

Adolescence, roo

Adrenal gland, 67, 100, 102, 349, 724

Adrenin, 100, 102

‘Epyornis, 273, 564, 565

Afghanistan, 540

Africa, 203, 229, 236, 238, 241, 240, 243, 444, 474, 488; as possible region of man’s origin, 484

African mammals, typical, 235

After-birth, the, 98

Agave, 542

Age, old. See Senility

Ages of rocks, 255-957

Agglutinins, 630

Agouti, 236

Agriculture, and sacrificial religion, 867; applications of modern biology to, 303-304, 307, 558, 609-617 ;_ importance of bac. teria in, 183

Ague, 625-626

Air, and sunlight, 646-652; as a habitat, 503; conquest of the, 453-457; of a stuffy room, 648-651. See also Respiration

Alaska, 470. 488, 490, 536

Albatross, 564

Albinism, 298, 305, 306

Albunea, 526

Alcohol, use and abuse of, 642-644,

6 Alcoholism and heredity, 359 onarians, 511


590 onso XIII of Spain, 299 > 172; 173, 174, 176, 177, 401, 444

entary canal. See Digestive

199, 397; 486, 491

ternation of generations, in animals, 140, 146; in plants, 162-166, 427 sqq.

_| Amauris niavius, 576

. Amazonian forest, 544-545

2 Pe >


Amber, 201

Ambivalence in psychology, 810811 Amblypods, 472, 471

Amboina, 611

Amherst pheasant, courtship of,

ae 25 6

a, 445-44

Amino-acids, 49

Ammonite, 382, 421, 445, 420

Ammophila, 586, 695

Amoeba, 167-170, 402, 665; and dysentery, 567; co-ordination of, 673 ; compared with body cell, 169-170 ; movements of, 670, 671 reproductions of, 170, 269, 169; sensitivity to light, 665

Amphibians, 114115, 224; brain and behaviour of, 728-730 ; evolution of, 437-442, 468-460, 420, 3 in coal-measure forest, 443 ; metamorphosis of, 115, 321-322; naked skin of, 115 ; number of species of, 730 ; poison of, 671

Amphidasys betularia, 361

Amphioxus, 117, 118, 224, 526

Amphitrite, 138

Amphitritus, 523

Anaconda, 221

Anaerobic life, in bacteria, 182 ein yeast, 176

Anaphylaxis, 647

Andrias scheuchzeri, 197

Anemone, plumose, 151

Angiosperms, 162, 462

Angler-fish, larva of, 515

Anhalonium, 825

Anilocra, 570

Animal forest, 511; light, 11 9, 521-522 imal magnetism, 851

Animals, classification of, 10, 105, 230; contrasted with plants, 155, 176, 182; dependence upon plants, 578; origin of, 401 ; sizes of, 562-563

Annelida, 137, 677

Anopheles maculipennis, 626

Antarctic, 174, 177, 400, 436, 444, 5475 550

Ant-eater, 109, 111, 235, 238, 471

Antedon, 136, 225

Antelope, 110, 235

Antennophorus, 707, 706

Anthracite, 437

Anthrax, 630 ; bacillus, 622, 568

Antibodies, 218, 630

Antirrhinum majus, 376

— molle, 376

Antiseptic surgery, 631, 632

Antitoxins, 630-631

Antitoxin treatment, 218

Ants, 697-707, 219, 566, 700, 701, 703 ; parasites of, 705-707, 706

Anus, evolution of, 405-406

Ape-man, 251

Apennines, 397

Apes, 111 ; behaviour of, 248, 249, 753-759 ; compared with man, 247-250; embryos of, 251; evolution of, 481-486, 471 5 habits of, 742, 859, 860; local races of, 859-860

Apherusa, 595

Aphrodite, 138

Apotettix, 352

Appalachian mountains, 397, 444

Appendicularia, 510

Appendix, 57—58, 56, 57

Aquatic life. See Sea, Fresh-water, Rivers, Lakes

Arabia, 241, 540

Arachnida, 126

Arachnocampa, 552

Aral Sea, 599

Archeopteryx, 201, 212, 395, 455, 211, 449

Archegosaurus, 442

Archeocyathus, 412

Archeozoic Era, 196, 197, 410, 198

Archipallium, 734, 766

Architeuthis, 564

Arctic, 177, 547; fox, 548; hare, 548 ; ocean, 400, 488

Arenicola, 138, 408

Argentina, 490

Argus pheasant, 741

Argyropelecus, 523

Aristocystis, 417

Aristotle, 5, 10, 521, 865

Arizona desert, fertility of, 582

Armadillo, 111, 236, 471; ninebanded, 238 ; Texas, 270

Arrow-worm, 409, 411, 595

Arsenic, sweets and beer contaminated with, 640

Arsinoitherium, 474, 471

Art, modern savage, 866; of early men, 866

Artemia, 553

Arteries, 26, 99, 35, 38

Arthrodires, 425

Arthropoda, 120 sqg.; behaviour of, 689-691 ; contrasted with vertebrates, 120; evolution of, 406-407, 412-416, 420; relationship with worms, 129, 407

Articulates, 435

Artiodactyla, 110

Ascaris, 139 ; lumbricoides, 139

Asellus, 552, 554

Asepsis, 632

Aseptic surgery, 631, 632

Asexual reproduction. See Reproduction Ash, 590

Asia, 470, 476, 543, 635; Minor, 206, 488

Aspidium, 163

Ass, 110, 203

Aster, 587

Asterias, 136

Asterina, 134, 135

Asteroxylon, 428, 429

Astrapotheres, 240, 471

Astronomy, early, 868 °