The science of life : fully illustrated in tone and line and including many diagrams


Astroscopus, 672

Atelura, 706

Atemeles, 706

Atlantic Ocean, 488, 519

Atolla, 520

Auk, Great, 377

Aulastomatomorpha, 521

Aurelia, 150, 151, 675

Aurignacian culture, 494

Australia, 109, 152, 236, 237, 239, 240, 241, 410, 444, 470, 472, 474, 475, 476; 541, 543, 550

552, 598, 611, 743; how the marsupials colonized, 239 ; mammals of, 235; mouse

plague in, 598 Australopithecus, 483 Autolytus cornutus, 145 Automatism and mediumship, 805806 Autonomic nervous Nervous system Avebury, Lord (1834-1913), 711 Axolotl, 322

system. See


Basirussa, 471

Baboon, 256, 754, 235, 471

Bacillus botulinus, 640

— coli, 624

— certrycke, 640

Bacillus of bubonic plague, 596, 605; of cholera, 623, 624; of diphtheria, 623-624, 623; of tuberculosis, 624, 625; of typhoid fever, 624, 568, 625

Backbone, 24

Bacteria, 33-34, 181-184, 568; and agriculture, 183, 184, 558 ; and circulation of elements in nature, 184, 580 ; 184; and disease, 183, 621633; and fermentation, 183, 622-623 ; and phosphorescence, 184, 559 ; economic importance of, 183, 558, 183; in digestive orgams, 54, 57-58, 505; in food, 640 ; nitrogen-fixing, 184, 558; number of, in air, 182, 647-648 ; resistance of body against, 59-60, 624, 630; sexless reproduction of, 181, 267268, 271 ; sizes of, 568 ; spores of, 181, 267

Bacteriophage, 186, 396

Badger, 111

Baikal, Lake, 241, 539

Balance of nature, 607-609

Balanoglossus, 119, 216, 119, 526

Baldwin, Prof. Mark, 357

Balkans, the, 488

Balloons, heights reached by men in, 6, 7

Ball-urchin, 418

Baltic, 537, 591

Baluchithere, 471, 474

Baly, Prof., 395

Bandicoot, rabbit-eared, 237, 235

Banyan tree, 271, 546

Baobab, 89

Barnacle, 125-126 ; larvee of, 595

Barnard, J. E., 186

Basal Eocene period, 4.72, 474.

Basilarchia archippus, 573


and decay,


Bastian, 5

Bat, 111, 217, 218, 471 ; gamete of, 273 ; vampire, 236

Batesian mimicry, 577

Bateson, Prof. Wiliam, 265, 290

Bathothauma, 518

Bathypterois, 518

Batrachiderpeton, 442

Beadlet, 151

Bean, Florida Velvet, 351

Beans, selection in, 289

Bear, 111, 235, 471 ; polar, 549

Bearberry, 586

Beardmore glacier, 445

Bear island, 437

Beaver, 108, 603, 746, 471

Bechuanaland, 483

Beech, 586, 590

Bees, 694, 709-719; 713 ; flight of, 717; queen, 565, 566; sense of colour in, 714, 7153 sense of smell in, 714, 717; 718

Beetles, 707, 706

Behaviour, 248; essentials of, in animals, 67; human, 84-87, 787-826 ; in plants, 678-680 ; instinctive and intelligent, 680683 ; of insects and other invertebrates, 689-719 ; of monkeys and apes, 753-759; of the lower invertebrates, 672-686 ; of the lower vertebrates, 725753; of the slipper animalcule, 683-686 ; rudiments of, 663688 Behaviourism, 787-790

Behring Strait, 206

Belemnite, 421, 420

Belgian Congo, 188

Belgium, 492, 586

Bell-animalcule, 567

Ben Lawers, 491

Benneitites, 462

Benthic zone, 512

Bergson, Prof. Henri, 262, 265, 266, 385, 670

Beri-beri, 637, 638

Biddulphia, 595

Biffen, Sir Rowland, 303

Big Tree, Californian, 564

Bile, 55

Bilharzia, 142

Biological duties, primary, 830-831

— economics, 578

Biology, beginnings of applied, 612615; history of, 11-15

Biosphere, 502

Birch, 590

Birds, 109, 112-113, 564; and pollination, 464; brain of, 733 ; courtship of, 735 sqq- ;

education in, 747 ; evolution of, 420, 449, 455; flight of, 455; flightless, 550; fore limbs of, 218; instinct in, 734-735; play in, 750 sg. ; social life of, 751, 7523; song of, 748, 752 ; territorial instinct in, 604

Birth, 95

Birth-control, 262, 874, 875

Bivalves, 130

Blackberry, 609

Black Death, the, 625, 628

— Sea, 488

Bladder-wrack, gamete of, 273


Blastostyle, 147, 147

“* Bleeder’s disease,”’ 343 ; pedigree of, 343; in European royal families, 343

Blister-rust, 612

Blood, 26-28; cells of, 28sq@. ; clotting of, 34-35: course of, 35-40, 37; evolution of, 405409; functions of, 34; of lobster, 122

Blood-pressure and nicotine, 642

Blood-test, the, 220

Blood-vessels, 26

Blubber, uses of, 514

Boar, wild, 471

Body-mind, 763-764

Body-soul-spirit, the theory of, 839840 Bones, evolution of ear-bones, 213 ; human, 24; minute structure of, 32. See Skeleton

Boring animals, 529, 530

Borrelia berbera, 628

Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra, 157, 674; experiments with plants,


Bottly, 556

Bothriolepis, 423

Botulism, 640

Bow-fin, American, 445

Brachiopods, 143, 143

Brachydactylous hands, 298

Bradley, Dennis. 844

Brain, 26, 82, 98, 722-723: velopment of, 722-726; € of, 404-405, 729; grey matter of, 86; human, 84, 764-769, 765, 768; main parts of in

vertebrates, 722-726; of amphibians, 728-730, 724; of extinct reptiles, 460; of invertebrates, 675-678 ; of

reptiles, birds and mammals, 730-735. See Nervous system

Branchiocerianthus, 564, 565

Branchiosoma, 449

Brazil, 231, 573

Bread, 636 ; leavening of, 176

Breathing. See Respiration

Brecklands of East Anglia, 607

Breeding of plants and animals, applications of modern knowledge to, 303-304; superstitions about, 310-313

Breuer, Robert (1842-1925), 811

Bristle-worm, 412, 535, 408

British Columbia, 233

— Museum (Natural History), 570

Brittany, 491, 560

Brittle-star, 135, 214, 417, 13€

Broken Hill skull, 493

Bronchitis, 654

Brontosaurus, 459, fabled African, 188

Brontotherium, 381

Broom, purple, 279

Browne, Sir Thomas (1605-1682), 5

Bryophyllum calycinum, 156

Bryophyta, 164

Bryozoa, 408 -

Bubonic plague, 605 ; bacillus of,


Buccinum undatum, 132

Budding, 269

Buffalo, 236

460, 466;