The science of life : fully illustrated in tone and line and including many diagrams


Bullfinch, 748 Bulrush, 587 Burbank, Luther (1849-1926), 304,


Burchell’s zebra, 235

Burma, 585

Bursaria, 566, 567

Bush turkey, 735

Bustard, great, 377

Butcher’s broom, 222

Buttercup, 158, 159, 159

Butterfly, 576; African Swallowtail, 221, 576 ; Monarch, 573 ; Pierine, 37 Viceroy, 573; White Admiral, 573


CAacToBLastus, 611

Cactus, 541, 582

Caddis-fly, 461

Caisson disease, 7

Cake-urchin, 135

Calamites, 436, 443

Calanus, 595

Calf, abnormally developed, 316 ; stomach of, 476

California, 200, 490, 610

Calluna vulgaris, 559, 560

Calocalanus plumulosis, 515

Calvin, John (1509-1564), 825

Cambrian period, 1096, 412-415, 416, 419, 421, 447, 198, 420

Camel, 110, 244, 217, 244, 471

Cameroon rain-forest, 544

Camouflage in nature, 570

Camphor, 469

Camptosaurus, 449

Canada, 410, 412 ;

Canary, 748

Canary Islands, 374

Cancer, 655-657, 657

Candour, 832-834

Canidae, 231, 232. See Dog

Canis aureus, 231

— lupus, 231, 239

Cannel coal, 437

Canti, Dr. R. G., 30, 678

Cape Verde Archipelago, 249

Capillaries, 26, 36, 39; regulation

Arctic, 549

of, 64 Carbohydrates, 48 Carbon, 48; circulation of, in

nature; 184, 579

Carbon dioxide, 22, 64; and plants, 154, 155. See also Respiration

Carboniferous period, 196, 4155 418, 436, 439, 448, 462, 490, 198, 420

Carebara, 701

Caribbean Sea, 516

Carniola, 551

Carnivora, 111, 231

Carnivores, aquatic, 471, 532

Carp, 89, 725

Carpel, 433

“ Carriers ” of disease, 624.

Cartilage, 32

lan Sea, 538, 599

Castle, Prof. W. E., 369, 370, 371

Catfish, 539, 570

Catkins, 160

Cats, 111; classification of, 230; digestive organs of, 505 ; play in, 749-750



Cattle, 110 ; breeding of, 310-313 ; ecology and, 613-614; in Neolithic age, 11 .

Caucasus, 397, 491

Cave bear, 495

Cave hyena, 495

Cave-lion, 495

Cave men. See Homo

Caves, animal life in, 551-552

Caytonia, 463 :

Cells, 28-33, 29, 32, 33, 43, 53, 59, 75, 76. 78, 89, 153, 269. 568; co-operations of, 403; germ (See Gametes) ; length of life of, 31 ; movements of, 29, 678-679; multiplication of, 31, 173, 282-283 ; number of in body, 32; of blood, 33; of plants, 155, 156; stages in aggregation of, 172, 173

Cenozoic era, 196, 197, 446, 461, 464, 465, 468, 469, 472, 476, 484, 198, 420, 471; climate during, 469-470

Centipede, 128-129

Central Africa, 444

— America, 162, 188, 206, 490, 629

— Asia as the region of man’s origin, 484

Central nervous system, 68

Centropages, 595

Centrosomes, 283

Cephalaspis, 423

Cephalopoda, 132, 421-499, 523, 595

Ceratium, 403

Cercaria, 142, 142

Cerebellum, 87, 724, 733, 765

Cerebral cortex, 85, 731-732, 764769 — hemispheres, 731, 85, 729

Cetacea, 111, 111, 471

Cetorhinus, 514

Ceylon, 304, 544

Chaetoceras, 595

Chalicotheres, 473, 471

Chalk, biological origin of, 171

Challenger expedition (1872-1876), 187, 517

Challengeria, 514

Chameleon, 114, 570

Chamois, 550

Chaparral, 590

Charles II of Spain (1661-1700), 299

Charr, 375

Cheese-mite, 567

Chellean culture, 492, 493

Chemical sense of fishes, 727

Chemistry of living substance, 47, 578-579

Chemotherapy, 632

Chestnut, 590

Chiasmodus, 515

Chicken-pox, 630

Childhood, 98-102

Children of late marriages, 313

Chimeras, grafts and, 278-280, 279

Chimpanzee, 236, 248, 249, 754755, 756, 757, 821, 859, 479, 754, 757, 758; embryo of, 95; 251 ; hands of, 249

China, early man, in, 252, 859


Chinese Primrose, mutations in the, 351

Chirocephalus, 553

Chiroleptes, 543

Chiroptera, 111, 471

Chitin, 379

Chlamydomonas, 173

Chlorodendron, 403

Chloroform, 613

Chlorophyll, 154, 379, 569, 578

Cholera, 625, 624

Chordata, 118

Chorion, 96

Chromosomes, 264, 282-310, 324, 363, 285, 301, 302, 303; and S€x, 337-349; function of, 284-288; in plants, 286; mapping the, 300-303

Chrysocyon, 231

— jubatus, 231

Chyme, 54

Cichlide, 539

Cider and poisoning, 640

Cilia, 42, 92, 117, 131, 172, 671

Ciliates, 271, 402, 567

Cinnamon, 469

Circulation of the blood, 26, 37; evolution of, 405

— — elements in nature, 184, 579581 ; of carbon, 578; of nitrogen, 184, 579; of phosphorus, 61 :

Cirrothauma, 515

Civet, 111

Clacton, 492

Clairvoyance, table-tapping, and telekinesis, 842-845

Clam, 526, 595

Classification of living things, roII, 105-106, 230

Clausthal, 552

Clavellina, 331, 332, 332

Cliff-swallow, 550

Climate, changes in, 396-400, 443446, 469-470, 486-492

Climatius, 423

Cliona, 529

Cloaca, 95

Clothing and health, 649; evolution of, 650

Club-foot, cause of, 298

Clab-moss, 165, 431, 435, 436, 437, 442, 420, 432

Clytia larva, 513

Coal, cannel, 437; Brown, 4373 Carboniferous, 437 ; Devonian, 437; Eocene, 437 ; household, 437; Jurassic, 437; rate of use of, 437

Coal-measures, 436; life in, 442-

444 Cobitis barbatula, 536 Cobra, 114 Coccolithophoride, 510 Coccyx, 94 Cochineal insect, 611 Cocklebur, 587 Cockroach, 127, 565 Coconut moth, 610-611 — palm, 610 Ceelenterates, 149, 404, 405, 415, 674, 149, 151, 511 Coelom, evolution of, 406 Coenolestes, 237 Coffee, 644