The science of life : fully illustrated in tone and line and including many diagrams


Cold, common, 650 ; susceptibility to, 650

Cold storage, preservation of food in, 635

Collembola, 584, 595

Collozoum, 403

Colobopsis, 700

Coloration, concealing, 569 ; ruptive, 571 ; warning, 572

Colour and pattern in life, 568-577

— changes of, in animals, 570, 671 ; in chameleon, 671; in cuttlefish, 133; in frog, 671; in octopus, 671

— of desert animals, how evolved, 506

— of marine animals, 520

‘Columba livia, 229

Comb-jellies, ee

‘Comephorus, 53

“* Comet as > 145

‘Comfrey, 230

‘Complex, in psychology, 808, 810

Conditioned reflex, 770-773; inhibition of, 775-780

Conduct, modern ideas of, 827-838

Condylarths, 472, 473, 471

‘Coney, 236, 235

Congenital idiocy, 815

— physical defects, 622

Conger, 439

Congo, 535 ; rain-forest, 591

Conifers, 162, 462, 590, 420, 432

Connective tissue, 32

Consciousness, 9, 760-762 ; passive or active, 761 ; range of, 761762 Constipation, 636 ; and tea-drinking, 644

Consumption, 657

Continents, maritime outlines of, 398

Convergence in evolution, 450

Convoluta roscoffensis, 560, 561

Copepods, 516, 520, 583

Copra, 610

Copromonas, stages in sexual process of, 272

Coral, 151, 268, 527, 528, 559, 511; reefs and islands, life on, 528

529 Corie 434, 442, 443, 444, 420 Cordiceps, 556 Coregonus, 375, 538 Corizus, 341 Cork-oak, 590 Cornwall, 4.91 Corpus luteum, 97, 98 Corpuscle, human red blood, 33, 33, 568 ; of frog, 568

Correlation. See Nervous system and Internal secretion

Cortex, at work, 779 sqg.; expansion of, 764 sqq.

Corycella, 402

Coryphodon, 473, 471

Corystes, 526, 526

Corythosaurus, 458

Coscinodiscus, 595

Cotton-spinner, 136

Cottus gobio, 536

Cotylosaurs, 448, 449

Courtship in animals, 735-742 ; in newts, 739.

Cousins, marriage of, 306, 306



Cow, quantity of milk given by a, 614

Cowpox, 631

Cowper’s glands, 91

Cow-wheat, 557

Coyote, 231

Crab, 124, 421, 525, 678 ; hermit, 124, 327, 522, 559, 124, 526; larve of, 595; nervous system of, 678

Crandon, Mrs. (‘‘ Margery ”’), medium, 848, 849, 850, 851, 849, 850

Crategus, 279

Creodonts, 473, 474, 471

Crested Dinosaur, 458

Cretaceous period, 196, 421, 422, 439, 448, 453, 454, 456, 457, 459, 462, 464, 465, 467, 469, 470, 472, 475, 517, 198, 420, 452, 458

Cretinism, 100

Crinoid, 420

Crocodile, 597, 449, 452, 533; West African, 564

Cro-Magnon type of man, 859

Crookes, Sir William, 845, 846

Crossbill, 601

Crows, Gaon hooded, and hybrid, 234

Crozet Island, 550

Crustaceans, 124, 420, 515, 518, 523, 564

Cryptic colours, 569

Cryptodifflugia, 402

Cryptogams, 162

Ctenophores, 151-152, 512

Cuba, 304

Cuckoo, 574

Cucumaria, 136

Culex, 628

Cultivation of the soil, origin of, 867. See Agriculture

Curie, Madame, 255

Cuscus, 237

Cuttle-fish, II2, 132, 409, 419, 519)

133, 420; eye of the, smoke-screen of the, 133-134, 521

Cuvier, Georges, Baron (1769—

1832), 197, 216, 233, 473 Cyanus, 564 Cycadeoids, 420 Cycads, 433, 445, 420 Cyclops, 124, 139, 150 Cyclostomes, 116, 422, 424 Cyclothone microdon, 514 Cynogathus, 213 Cypress tree, 469 Cystosoma, 522, 523 Cytisus adami, 279, 279 — laburnum, 279 — purpureus, 279, 279 Cytoplasm, 29


Datempatius, his diagram of human sperm, 324

Dalmatia, 590

Danais plexippus, 573

Daphnia, 351

Darwin, Charles, 202, 240, 249, 263, 307, 364, 365, 374, 381, 393, 464, 500, 608

Darwinism, meaning vindication of, 366

Davey, S. J., 845

Dawn-Man, 251

“* Dead man’s fingers,” 151

Dead Sea, 553

Deaf-mutism, 305 ; 306

Death, causes of, 88-89 ; life after, 852-853 ; nature of, 88

Death rates, in animals, 364, 597606; in man, 653-654, 654, 655

Death Valley, 541

Decay, as a living process, 579 ; biological importance of, 184

Dedifferentiation, 332

Deep sea, life in the, 7, 8, 517-529

Deer, 110, 471 ; red, 237, 606

Deer-mouse, American, Florida, 374

Deilemera, 574, 575

Dementia precox, 817

Dendrobates tinctorius, 671

Dendrocystis, 417

Dendrosoma, 403

Denmark, 233

Descartes, René (1596-1650), 761,

how inherited,

506 ;

763 : Desert, belts, 590; colour of animals of, 506; life in, 540-

544; nature of the early world, 426

Desmids, 173, 402

Development of embryo, 314, 325; abnormal, 316

life communities, 584-589

Development, normal ‘and~ monstrous, 314-316, 315, 316, 321 ; of life-communities, 584-589 ; of the individual, 314-336

Devonian old red sandstone, 415

— period, 196, 415, 424, 436, 462, 198, 420

** Devonshire colic,’’ 640

Diabetes, cause of, 634

Diaphragm, 27, 41

Diathesis, 622

Diatoms, 173, 510, 513, 539) 548; 554, 402, 515

Dicynodont, 448

Diet. See Food

Digestion, 47—58 ; in amceba, 168 ; in lobster, 122 ; organs of, 51 ; slackness of, 636, 637 ; with the aid of bacteria, 504

Digestive system, 47-58, 51; absent in tapeworm, 142; cancer of, 656, 657 ; evolution of, 405, 406 ; in flatworms, 140 ; in herbivores and carnivores, 505 ; in lobster, 122

Dimorphodon, 456

Dinichthys, 425, 423

Dinictis, 384

Dinoceras, 471

Dinoflagellates, 510, 514 -

Dinosaurs, 114, 148, 457-461, 467, 468, 472, 449, 458, 460, 466

Diphtheria, 623, 624, 630, 623

Diplocaulus, 442

Diplodocus, 460, 449, 564

Dipodomys spectabilis, 543

Dipper, 368, 359

