The science of life : fully illustrated in tone and line and including many diagrams


Diprotodon, 241, 241

Dischidia, 546

** Discovery ” expedition, 547

Disease-carriers, human, 624; insects, 625-630 ; rats, 628

Disease, epidemic, 653 ; infectious and _ contagious, 621-633 ; nature of, 621 ; the fight against, 658-660

Disinhibition, 779

Distomum macrostomum, 572

Distortions, 356, 356, 357

Distribution of animals, as evidence for evolution, 236-246

— of human races, 238-239, 863864 Dixippus morosus, 784

Dochmius, 140 Dog, 111, 228-999, 229, 230, 237, 241, 564, 565; brain of,

772; different species of, 231232; hypnotism in, 783; intelligence of, 744; mind of, 773-775 3 senses of, 780; temperament in, 785-78

Dogfish, 106-107, 116, 254, 726, 107, 223

Dogger Bank, 527,

Dogwood, 586

Doliolum, 144

Dolphin, 111, 474, 514, 217, 471

Dominance in heredity, 294

Dorsal lip, in embryo, 317

Dove, 506

Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 844.

Draco, 454

Dragon fly, 128, 670

Dragonet, 736

Dreams, prophetic, 840-842

chology of, 809-812

Drepanaspis, 423

Driver ants, 706

Drosophila, 285, 291, 300, 301, 347> 351: 371, 302, 303, 351, 396

Drugs, and the mind, 824-896 ; their uses and dangers, 642-645

Dry land, as a habitat for life, 502593; 539-540; invasion of by animals, 437-442 ; invasion of by plants, 426-434

Dryopithecus, 252, 483

Duckbill, 109, 235, 44g

Duckbilled Dinosaur, 467, 449, 458

Duckling, an abnormally developed, 316

Duckweed, 534

Ductless glands. See secretion

Dugong, 108, 471

Dungeness, 194

Dunne, J. W., 840

Dust, and hay fever, 647; and health, 646; defences against,


3 Psy-



Dwarf-plankton, 539, 595

Dysentery, and amceba, 567; and ciliates, 172

Dytiscus beetle, 538

EAGLE, 89, 747

Ear, evolution of, 213 ; working of, 75-78, 82. See Hearing


Early Cambrian period, 419

— Cenozoic period, 490, 743

— Devonian period, 439

— Eocene period, 483

Earthworm, 137, 583, 584, 666

Earwig, 610

East Africa, 233

— Indies, 547

Echidna, 213, 235

Echinoderms, 134-137, 136, 420 g behaviour of, 676-682 ; classes of, 135-136; evolution of, 416-418, 417, 420

Echinosphera, 417

Echinus, 136

Ecology, 14, 578-606 ; economics and, 578

Ectoplasm, 845-851, 846, 849

Edentates, 111, 471

Edrioaster, 417, 417

Education, in animals, 747-749 3 aA 7H Sao

Eel, 536, 537; electric, 424, 672, 762

Eel-grass, 538

Egg, evolution of the, 446 ; human, 93; of grass-frog, 566. See Ovum

Egret, 750

Esypt, 52> 493, 540, 541, 598, 599,


Ehrlich, Paul, 633

Elan vital, the, 263, 265, 384-385

Eland, 235

Elaphis, 567

Elbe, 534, 535; 554

Electric eel, 424, 672, 762

— ray, 672

Elephant, 236, 475, 471; 566, 564; evolution Qri-212,

Elephas. Sve Elephant

Elginia, 448

Elm, 587

Elodea, 338

Embryo, evidence of evolution from the, 222-227; formation of, 93-94, 314; human, 9396, 247, 249-250, 254, 94, 95, 96, 103, 107, 245, 251; of chick, 722, 107, 722; of chimpanzee, 95, 251; of dogfish, 106-108, 107 ; of gibbon, 251 ; of gorilla, 95, 251; of lancelet, 720; of lizard, 107, 2923 : of newt, 223; of rabbit, 107, 223 ; organizers in, 316-317 ; Symmetry of, 314

Embryonic membranes, 96, 475

Emotion and urge, 793-794

Empedocles, 263

Emperor penguin, 547

Empid, 736

Encephalitis lethargica, 625, 631

Endocrine cells, 102

Endocrines. Se Internal secretion

England, 487, 488, 4.91

English Channel, 488, 491

Entelodon, 474, 471

Environment, 6-8 ; heredity and, 287, 288, 299, 353, 823; reSponse to, 71-72, 663. See Habitat

Enzymes, in digestion, 50

Eoanthropus, 251, 492

African, of the,


Eobasileus, 473

Eocene period, 196, 469, 470, 472. 473, 474; 743, 198, 208, 471

Eohippus, 207, 209, 203, 204, 208

Eoliths, 492

Epidemic diseases, 653

Epidermis, 59

Epididymis, 91, 91

Epihippus, 207, 208

Epiphytes, 546

Epithelium, pavement, 29

Equus. See Horse

Ergosterol, 639, 645, 651

Ermine, 548

Eryoneicus, 518

Eryops, 449

Eskimo, 549, 635, 742

Essequibo, the, 535

Eugenics, 874-875, 879

Euglena, 172, 173, 568

Eunotosaurus, 213

Eupagurus bernhardi, 559)

Euphorbias, 541

Euphrasia, 557

Eurycorpha, 574

Eurypterids, 415, 564

Eustachian tube, 95, 77

Evadne, 595

Evaporation, 581

Evasion, indolence, and fear, 837838 Evening Primrose, 352; 353, 375>

463 .

Everest expedition of 1924, 6, 7

Evolution, 191-258 (evidence for)

— 261-387 (mechanism of)

— 391-495 (story of)

— and geographical isolation, 373375 — by Natural Selection, 263, 364373 — chief theories of, 261-265

— continuity of, 210-211, 352-352

— convergent, 450-451

— cosmic, 257, 391-393

— crossing and, 375-377

— Darwinian theory of, 263, 364373 — diagrams of, showing history of main groups, 411, 426, 449, 471

—evidence from anatomy, 216—


evidence from geographical dis-—

tribution, 236-244

evidence from the variability of

living things, 228-236

evidence from useless structures,.


— evidence of the embryo, 222-99 a

— evidence of the rocks, 194—2 15

— evidence summarized, 244-246.

— in action, 289

— Lamarckian theory of, 262-263,. 353-360 _

mystical theories of, 265, 380—

387 .

of adaptations, 505-507

orthogenetic, 264-265, 3&9

— parallel, 211, 450, 515

— progress in, 477-480

— purpose in, 385-387

— random nature of, 386-387

— slowness of, 210-211, 371

— spurts in, 352-353

— straight line, 264, 380, 384
