The science of life : fully illustrated in tone and line and including many diagrams


Evolution, tangled nature of, 475477. See also the names of the various groups

Ewart, Cossor, 310

Exaltation, psychology of, 804-805

Excretion, 22, 43-47 ; organs of, 45

Excretory system, 45

Exercise. See Physical exercise

Exophthalmic goitre, 101

Extinction of species, 377

Extroversion, 823

Eye, 666, 667, 668, 669 ; defects of in man, 79-80; development of, in embryo, 723; evolution of, 665-670, 767; in deep-sea animals, 522-523, 523; inheritance of colour in man, 298; of cuttle-fish, 669, 669 ; of fishes, 7275 of insects, 670; of scallop, 131; third, in primitive vertebrates, 725; working of, 79-80. See Sight


Fapre Jean Henri (1823-1915), 696, 736

Faeces, 57-58

Falkland Islands, 550

Faroe Islands, 551

Fasciola, 142

— hepatica, 140

Fats, 48 ; storage of in body, 53

Faults, geological, 200

Feathers, 112, 212; evolution of, 455

Feather-star, 136, 224, 225

Femur, 25, 106

Fermentation, yeasts and, 176

Fern-plant, 167, 164

Ferns, 162-166, 434, 435, 436, 163,

164, 432; evolution of, 420; reproduction of, 163-164 ; sperm, 164

Ferreriro, the, 730

Fertilization, of the egg, 93, 285, 314, 285; by artificial means, 275 ; cross and self-fertilization, 160; dispensed with, 274-275 ; in plants, 158-160, 166

— of the soil, 174, 614, 615, 616

Fetishism, 809


Field ant, 703

Field-mouse, 601 ;

Fig, 469


Fiji, 610, 611, 871

Filamentous bacteria, 182

Filaria medinensis, 139

Filter-passing organisms, 185-186, 396, 568

Fire-salamander, 572

736, 329 gamete of, 273


Fish, 106-108, 115-116, 564; anatomy of, contrasted with man, 106, 107; bony and gristly, 116 ; colour changes in deep sea, 570-576, 518, 521; earhiest, 29-425 electric shocks given by, 672; evolution of, 420; eyes of, 727; flat, 226 ; freshwater, 535-5373 mind of, 726-728; senses of

smell and taste in, 725, 726 ; swimming bladder of (See Gasbladder) 886

INDEX Flagellates, 171, 173, 271, 510, 173, 402, 403, 515, 568, 595

Flamingo, 571

Flatworms, 140-142, 140, 406; gamete of, 273; regenerating, 273

Flea, 562, 563, 596, 219, 566, 567

Flicker, 233, 376

Flight, evolution of, 453-457 ; in archeopteryx, 212; in birds, 112, 454-455 ; in insects, 127, 454 ; in pterodactyls, 455

Florida, 436

Flounder, 536

Flour, value of white, 636, 639

Flournoy, Professor, 805

Flowers, 158, 564; and bees, 715719 ; evolution of, 433, 462, 432 ; inheritance of colour in, 292; insects and, 159, 461465; IT. H. Huxley on, 218; variation in, 230 ; wind-pollinated, 160

Flukes, 140, 572, 141

Fly as disseminator of bacteria, the, 640

Flying-fish, 116.

Flying-fox, 471

Flying-reptiles, 455-456, 449

Fogs, cause of, 646

Food, amount needed by man, 48, 634; and cancer, 656; artificial, 635 ; chemistry of, 47 sqq., 49 ; choice of, 634-639 ;. excess of, 634; of different animals, 503-507, 505; of plants, 154 ; poisoning by, 639-642; preservation of, 635; uses of, in body, 21-23, 46-47, 634. See Digestion and Vitamins

Food-chains and _ parasite-chains, 593-597

Foraminifera, 171, 269, 402, 595

Fore-arm, structural plan of, 216arr, 200

Fore-brain, 722, 723

Forel, 695

Fore-limbs, structural plan of, 217, 218

Forest, tropical, 544-547

Formica fusca, 704.

— pratensis, 703

— rufa, 707

— rufibarbis, 703

— sanguinea, 704

, 122, 729

Fossil record, coherence of, 202 ; diagram of, 420 ; gaps in, 197201 ; sample sections of, 202212. See Evolution and Geological time

Fossils, age of, 201-202, 255-258 ; evidence of, for evolution, 194—

215; formation of, 200-201 Four o’clock, 292, 294, 296, 293,

306 ; Mendelian explanation of

breeding behaviour of, 293

Fox, Arctic, 229, 601 ; common, 231, 743 5 cross, 230; Fennec, 2313; red, 230, 601; silver, 230

France, 200, 469, 494

Frederick II1 (1415-93), Emperor, 299

Fresh water, life in, 531-534, 532. Baa 531-5 :


Freud, Prof. Sigmund, 794, 812, 813, 814, 828, 836 Frog, 115, 538, 729-730, 217, 533, 565 ; brain of the, 724; evolution of, 331, 449; gamete of, 273; hand of, 249; segmenting eggs of, 326; tadpoles of. 115, 321, 323

Fruit-fly. See Drosophila

Fulgoride, 575

Funchal, 520

Functional differentiation, 319

Fungus, 175, 556; 558, 579 ;_parasitic and beneficial, 559-560

Fur. See Hair

Fur seals, extermination of, 617


G GaLAPAGOs ISLANDS, 242, 374, 530; 597 Galilee, 493

Gall-bladder, 55

Gall, Franz Joseph, 765 ; and controlling stations of the faculties, 766

Galton, Sir Francis (1822-1911), 825

Galveston, 233

Gametes, 99, 272-275 ; female, gI : how formed, 283-284; male, QI; 93; of various animals, 273

Gammarids, 241

Gammarus, 552

— chevreuxi, 324, 325

Ganges, River, 625

Garnett wheat, 615

Gas gangrene, 623

Gas-bladder of fish, 8, 514, 516, 671

Gastric juice, 53

Gastropods, 131, 419, 521

Gastrostomus, 518

Gayial, 113

Gecko, 114

Gemmule, formation of a, 270

General paralysis of the insane, 815

Genes, 290-304, 323-326, 337-349: 325: dominant and recessive, 294, 297; in man, 297-300, 343 ; multiple, 293-300

Genetics, 266, 287-313

Genus, 105, 230-236

Geographical distribution, and evolution, 236-244

— isolation, and origin of species.

77 Gesecea time, diagrams of, 198. 392, 420; how determined, 255-257; magnitude of, 255258; main divisions of, 196199. See Fossil record and Rocks Geotropism, 680

Gerbil, 605, 608

Germ-cells. See Gametes

Germ-plasm, 280-281 ; and soma, 355

Giant pig, 471

— Rush, 443

Giants, 101

Gibbon, embryo of, 251

Gigantactis, 521

Gigantura, 523

Gill-clefts, 107, of human embryo, 95 ; of fishes, 95

Ginkgo, 225, 420