The science of life : fully illustrated in tone and line and including many diagrams


Gipsy-moth, 348, 610

Giraffe, 110, 236, 235, 471, 564

Glaciers, 486

Gland-grafting, 330

Glands, Cowper’s, 91; ductless, 100, 102, 67 ; of common toad, 671 ; parathyroid, 102 ; pineal, 108; pituitary, 97, 102, 108, 724: post-pituitary, IOI, 102, 101; pre-pituitary, 100; salivaty, 779; 771, 7723 thyroid, 97; 100, 102, 108, 587

Glass-sponge, 524

Glaucus, 516, 515

Globigerina ooze, 171, 580

Glossina palpalis, 629

Glossopteris, 445

Glyptodont, 240, 383, 453, 237, 471

Gnat pupe and larve, 534

Gneiss, 200

Gnu, white-tailed, 235

Goat, 110

Gobi Desert, 540

Goitre, exophthalmic, 1o1

Golden-rod, 586, 587

Goldfinch, 752

Goldtail moth 682

Goliath beetle, 565

— frog, 565

Gondwanaland, 444

Goose-barnacles, 530

Gooseberry, 612

Gorgonia, 151

Gorilla, 236, 483, 859, 250, 251; embryo of, 95, 251; resemblance between man and, 248 ; skeleton of, 250

Graafian follicles, 92

Grafting, trees, 276, 276; yellow laburnum and purple broom,279

Grafts in plants and animals, 278—

280 Graptolite, 405; 415 613, 614, 616, frog, 565, 566 Od ace colour-patterns in wild,

, 420

Great ant-eater, 938 Great Dismal Swamp, Florida, 436

— Lakes, 587

— Salt Lake, 553, 592

Grebe, 747

Greenfinch, gamete of, 273

Greenfly, 215

Greenland, 236, 410, 469, 487, 548, 591, Gor

Grey matter in brain, 86

Gribble, 529

Grimaldi 1 type of man, 859

Gristle, 24, 32

Groos, Karl, 751

Ground: sloth, 473, 237, 471

Grouse, red, 374

Growth, and ductless glands, 100101, 327; discriminating, 679 ; exaggerated local, 329, 329; human, 98-99, 327, 328; in Crustacea, 330; limitation and control of, 326-330; of the individual, 314-336


Guano, 581, 616, 617 Guiana, 546

Guinardia, 595 Guinea-pig, 236 Guinea-worm, 139, 555 Gulf Stream, 488, 510, 549 Gull, 747

Gwyniad, 375 Gymnosperms, 162 Gynanders, 343-344

Gypsum, 444 H

HABITAT, 499-507, 553 ; adaptation to, 505-507; aerial, 503; fresh-water, 531-539; _ land, 539-540; marine, 508-530 ; parasitic, 503; terrestrial, 502, 539-55

Eas uses lip, 298, 299

Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich (18341919), 224, 263, 298, 578

Hemocyanin, 137

Hemoglobin, 43, 396

Hemophilia, 343 ; 343: in European families, 343

Hag-fish, 116, 557

Hair, 61, 71, 109; length of, and temperature, 358, 358

Haire, Norman, 102

Haldane, J. B. S., 303, 369, 395, 457, 612, 640

Haliclystus, 150, 527, 151

Halictus, 709

Hamburg, 554

Hands, 565 ; brachydactylous, 298 ; comparison of, 249

Hardy, A. C., 591, 594

Hare-lip, 254

Harpacticids, 595

Hartebeest, 233

Hartsoeker’s diagram of human sperm, 324

Hartz Mountains, 552

Haviland, Miss, description of an Amazonian forest by, 544

Hawaii, 550, 611

Hawk-moth, 464, 219

Hawthorn, 279)

Hay fever, 647

Health, 621, 658-660, 830 ; clothing and, 649-650; food and,

pedigree of, royal

634-642 ; fresh air and, 646651; of animals and savage races, 621 ; sunlight and, 651652 earns, 76; in dogs, 780. See Ear

Heart, 26, 37, 38, 41; disease of, 653; regulation of, 65, 775776 ; survival of, 32

Heart-urchin, 418, 526

Heather, Mediterranean, 491 ; Scotch, 559

Hedgehog, 111, 471

Heidelberg man. See Homo

Helium, 255, 256

Hen, 564, 565

Henderson, L. J., 394

Heredity, and sex, 337-379; in man, 297-300 ; mechanism of, 282-986 ; Mendel’s laws of, 290-297, 308-310 ; non-


Mendelian, 308 ; about, 310-312 Hermit-crab, 522, 559, 695, 124

Herodotus, 597

Heron, 750

Herring, 439, 565 ; of the, 595

Hesperornis, 212, 449

Heterangium, 435

Heterocarpus, 521

Heterocephalus, 358, 358

Heteronotus, 574

Hexactinellid sponge, 524

Himalayas, 397, 484; animal and plant life in the, 549

Hind-brain, 722, 723, 722, 724

Hingston, Major, 7

Hipparion group of horses, 208

Hippidium, 209, 208

Hippopotamus, 110, 474, 471, 533

Hoatzin, 212

Hogben, Professor, 570

Holland, 536; and land reclamation, 589

Holmes, Oliver Wendell (18091894), 632

Holm-oak, 590

Holoptychius, 423

Homarus vulgaris, 121

Hominide, 481

Homo, 105

— heidelbergensis, 252, jaw of, 252

— neanderthalensis, 105, 252, 485, 493, 494, 859

— rhodesiensis, 252, 585

— sapiens, 105. See Man

Homology, 107

Homunculus, 324, 324

Honey-bee, 711-714

Honey-locust, 587

Honeypot ant, 702, 703, 706

Hooke, Robert (1635-1703),

* 28; microscope used by, observations on cork, 28

Hook-worm, 555

Hopkins, F. Gowland, 638

Hoplophoneus, 384

Hormones. See Internal secretion

Hornea, 430, 429

Horsemint, 586

Horses, 110, 471, 564 ; calculating, 748; evolution of, 202-210, 281, 475-476, 203, 204, 205, 208

Horseshoe crab. See King crab

Horsetail, 435,432 ; evolution of, 420

House-fly, 219, 566

House-martin, 753

House-sparrow, 237

Howard, Eliot, 738

Huanaco, 238

Hudson Bay Company, 600, 6o1

Hudson, W. H., 752

Human body. See names of parts

— association, the present phase of, 866-880

— behaviourism, 787-790

— interaction, development 864-865

— sacrifice, 867

Humble-bee, 710

Humboldt’s woolly monkey, 238

Humming-bird, 565, 566

Humour, biological function of, 821





485, 492

13, 3;
