The science of life : fully illustrated in tone and line and including many diagrams


Hunter, John (1728-1793), 278, 320

Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825-

1895), 218, 248, 263, 443, 863

Hyena, 108, 584

Hyznodon, 471

Hybrids, between species, 233, 234 ; graft-hybrids, 278, 279 ; intersexuality in, 348; sterility of, 233; vigour of, 304

Hydra, 150, 151, 178, 277, 55! 558, 406, 566

Hydrophilus grub, 532

Hydrotropism, 680

Hydrous larva, 532

Hydrozoa, 149

Hygiene. See Health

Hyperieds, 595

‘Hypnotism, in dogs, 783 ; in lower animals, 783—784 ; in man, 794798 Hypohippus, 383, 208

Hyracotherium, 204

Hyrax, Cape, 235

Hysteria, in dogs, 785; in man, 801-804.


Ibex, 550

Ice Ages, 410, 444, 469, 470, 473, 476, 484, 486, 487, 488, 491, 492, 493, 528, 392, 445; time diagram of, 487

Ice-flower, 548

Iceland, 488

— moss, 177

Ichneumon-fly, 500, 556

Ichthyosaur, 114, 194, 201, 451, 474, 217, 449, 452

Iguana, 114

Iguanodon, 200, 449

Immunity from disease, natural and

artificial, 630-631

Inbreeding, effect of, 306; dangers and uses, 304-307

Incest, origin of tabus against, 860863 India, 206, 244, 444, 625, 630

Indiana, 587

Indian Ocean, 522

Indigestion and tea-drinking, 644

Individuality, in cells, 31 ; in the lower animals, 144, 148-149, 150; in plants, 157

Indo-China, French, 374

Infection, the process of, 623-624

Inflammation, 34, 60

Influenza, 623, 625, 631, 648, 653,


Infusoria, 172, 673

Inheritance of acquired characters, 353-360. See Heredity

Inhibition, in the nervous system, 775-780 ; and hypnotism, 783 ; and sleep, 780-783

Inoculation, preventive, 218

Inostransevia, 449

Insanity, 814-821

Insectivora, 111, 471

Insects, 126-128; as disease carriers, 625-630; as pests,610-611; behaviour of, 689-719 ; determination of sex in, 338 ; earliest




known, 416 ; effect of island life on, 550-551; evolution of flowers and, 461; faces, 219; flight of, 454; flightless, 550 ; fossil, 200, 416, 420; parasitic, 556; pollination of flowers by, 158-160 ; rivalry between landvertebrates and, 464; societies, 697-701

Insemination, artificial, 341

Insomnia and tea-drinking, 644

Instinct, culminates in Arthropods, 689 ; defined, 682 ; in amphibians, 729-730 ; in birds, 734735 3; internal secretions and, 97> 345

Insulin, 102 :

Intelligence in birds, 734-735; in fish, 728 3 in mammals, 735-747

— tests, 821-823, 822

Internal secretion, 35, 66, 97, 100 ; and growth, 100, 101, 321-323 ; and sex characters, 99, 344-346. See Adrenal, Pituitary, Thyroid

Intersexes, 346-349

Interstitial cells, 92, 99

Intestinal worms, 138-139, 142

Intestine, 57, 58; large, small, 54

Intra-specific selection, 373

Introversion, in psychology, 823

Iodine, 174, 322

Ireland, 174, 487, 491

Irritability of protoplasm, 664

Irvine, A. C., 6

Islands, life on, 242-243, 374-375; 999-552

Isolated organs, survival of, 31-32, 664.

Isolation, as a species-maker, 373375 Israelites and manna, 177

Italy, 233, 488, 494, 626, 874


Jacxat, Indian, 231

Jaguar, 384

Jamaica, 629

James Island, 374

James, William (1842-1910), 793,



Japan, 174, 524, 574

Java, 188, 252, 304, 464

Jaws, evolution of, 214, 422, 252

Jeans, Sir J. H., 9, 391, 397

Jelly-fish, 147, 148, 150, 412, 520, 562, 667, 674, 675, 687, 151, 280, 515, 564, 594

Jenner, Edward (1749-1823), 631

Jerboa, 111, 543

Johannsen’s experiment, 289

Junco, 601

Jung, Dr. C. G., 794, 812, 813, 814, 823, 825, 828, 829, 865

Jurassic period, 196, 197, 421, 448, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455, 456, 457, 459, 461, 462, 468, 470, 490, 593, 198, 211, 420


Kalahari Desert, 541 Kamchatka, 470

Kangaroo, 110, 237, 235 Kangaroo-rat, 543

Kea, 609-610

Kelp, 404

Kent’s Hole, 492

Kenya, 614

Kerguelen Islands, 550, 551 Kiang, 203

Kidneys, 27, 44, 45, 46 King crab, 126, 416, 422, 420 Kittens, play in, 749-750 Kiwi, 550

Koala, 235

Koehler, Wolfgang, 821 Komodo dragon, 564 Koumiss, 89

Kraepelin, Prof., 554 Krait, 114

Krakatoa, 584.

Kudu, 471 ; greater, 235


LABURNUM, 279, 279

Lacerta viridis, 114

Lake Baikal, 539

— Mendota,Wisconsin, U.S.A., 594

— Michigan, 586

Lakes, life in, 537 ; salt, 553

Lamarck, Jean Baptiste 1829), 262, 353, 354

Lamarckism, 263, 264, 354-360

Lamb, an abnormally developed, 316

Lamellibranchia, 131

Laminaria, 174, 403, 525

Lammergeier vulture, 550

Lamprey, 116, 118, 557

Lamp-shells, 143, 408, 143, 420; larva of, 513

Lancelet, 117, 666, 720, 722, 119

Land, dry, as a habitat, 502-503, 539-552; imvasion of, by animals, 437-442 ; invasion of, by plants, 426-434; originally lifeless, 426

Land reclamation, 589

Langouste, 515

Lankester, Sir E. Ray, 674, 680

Lanugo, 96

Larch, 564

Larve, in surface zone of sea, 513 ; of insects, 128, 535, 703-704, 712; of sea-squirts, 118; of worms, 513

Lasiognathus, 521

Lasius, 706

Late Cretaceous period, 483

— Devonian period, 425

Eocene period, 4.83

Miocene period, 483

Permian period, 470

— Silurian period, 422, 438

Lateral line, the, 726, 107

Laternaria lucifera, 575

Laughter, 820

Lawes, 616

Layering of plants, 276

Lead, 255, 256

Leaf-insect, 693

Lebistes, 566

Leech, 137 2

Leeuvenhoek, Anthony van (16321723), 167; microscope made by, 12
